Sabtu, 14 Desember 2019


Eristiar Syah Permana Tarigan S.T 1
12 Master of Management, Telkom University Indonesia

The development of information technology has caused companies in the Information Technology Industry sector to innovate and develop products in accordance with customer needs. PT. XYZ is a company that innovates due to government regulations and customer needs. After a change in the methodology of the company PT. XYZ has decreased purchases in the application so it requires the right marketing methods for customers. Next Best Action (NBA) Marketing is the best marketing action centered on customers by considering customer actions (customer action) during interaction (customer interaction) so that it can recommend the best for certain customers (specific customers). In this company will be using Next Best Action Marketing in developing PT. XYZ Indonesia uses Descriptive Analystics.
Keywords: Next Best Action, Marketing, Descriptive Analytics

1.1   Background

PT. XYZ Indonesia is a company engaged in the Information Technology Industry. The company was founded with the goal of facilitating and assisting people in conducting transactions meeting their daily needs. PT. XYZ shade a software application that is used for routine bill payments, electronic credit purchases, and travel tickets. With the existence of an emoney license, PT. XYZ's business model changes are currently divided into 2 models, namely the sharing margin model for emoney applications and the multi-level marketing system application model. Emoney application, it uses sharing method of sharing margins and bus topology 
It can be seen from the bus topology above that the company has begun to determine the business model to be able to add new users and is expected to increase sales.

1.2  Purpose and Objectives

This research was conducted with the goals to answer the research questions that have been raised previously, namely:

1.     Knowing which variables are the most important (Important variables) for segmenting customer applications PT. XYZ.
2.     Knowing the optimal number of customer segmentation PT XYZ applications.
3.     Knowing the characteristics of the targeted segment (highly prospect).
4.     Knowing what is the next best action marketing that is recommended in order to increase sales in the application PT.XYZ.
The concept of marketing starts with the fulfillment of human needs which then grows into human desires. According to (AMA, 2013), Marketing is an activity, a series of institutions, and the process of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offers of value to customers, clients, partners and the general public. Meanwhile, according to (Kotler P., 2003), marketing is a human activity that is directed to meet the needs and desires through the exchange process. This theory is corroborated by opinions (Kotler & Keller, Marketing Management 15e, 2016), which states that “marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others”.
Next Best Action (NBA) Marketing is the best marketing action centered on customers by considering customer actions (customer action) during interaction (customer interaction) so that it can recommend the best for certain customers (specific customers). This strategic method relies on the scope of marketing and building collaboration between marketing and sales.

III.          Research Methods

3.1  Framework for Mind

In this study, the author refers to the concept of segmentation which goals to group customers with the same characteristics. Consumer segmentation can be done based on geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors (Armstrong & Kotler, 2015).
For this study customer segmentation will use the factors of Recency, Amount and Transactional Frequency. Thus the framework of thought in research.
Gambar 1 Kerangka Pikiran
After finding the most important variable (Important Variable), segmentation optimization is performed so that the five most influential variables on purchases (Amount and Frequency) are found so that the characteristics of high prospect users are known and can be done Next best action marketing.

3.2    Research stages

In this study, the authors study at the stage of the data mining process based on CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) in which the sequence is not rigid and the results of one stage will be input for the next stage. According to (Chapman, et al., 2000) that the process in data mining consists of 6 stages as follows:
Sumber : Chapman, P., Clinton, J., Kerber, R., Khabaza, T., Reinartz, T., Shearer, C., & Wirth, R.

From the picture above it can be seen that the outer ring of CRISP-DM (The Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) is not broken & continuously iterated to perfect the results to be achieved in order to answer business challenges by taking lessons from previous iterations..
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